Seidor Westrocon Let’S/4

If you are looking to convert to SAP S/4HANA, the Seidor Westrocon team will be with you every step of the way. We know the destination well, so we can help put together and implement the best travel plan that is completely tailored to your needs, because there is no set way of getting to SAP S/4HANA.


We will suggest a personalised journey, with no nasty surprises along the way, using our SAP-certified packages. We have two solutions: Seidor Westrocon Let’S/4 Plan and Seidor Westrocon Let’S/4 Travel will make sure you get to where you want to be.

Seidor Westrocon Let’S/4 Plan

Study services

We evaluate the impact of S/4HANA, analyse infrastructure needs and create a conversion plan that includes a schedule and an estimation of the resources required. There is also the optional draft conversion, where we offer a first test conversion cycle as part of the technical study.

Seidor Westrocon Brochure Let'S/4 Plan

Seidor Westrocon Let’S/4 Travel

Conversion services

The conversion service provides a full transition from SAP ECC to SAP S/4HANA securely and making sure there are no surprises along the way , protecting the investment you made in the original system. Benefit from a safe project with flexible service and global vision.

Seidor Westrocon Brochure Let'S/4 Travel

Seidor S/4HANA Conversion Factory

Complete your conversion is a way that is secure, time-efficient and cost-competitive. The Seidor Westrocon S/4HANA Conversion Factory has a multi-disciplinary team that is 100% dedicated to conversions. We have put together an EMEA centre for expertise to provide you with flexible service, whether that’s face-to-face, near-shore or off-shore. We are also connected to the United VARs S/4HANA Conversion Factory Network to ensure quality in our processes and international coverage.